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Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Yeshivas Lubavitch Tiferes Yisroel, located in Ramat Beit Shemesh just outside Yerushalayim, is opening registration for the upcoming 5784 yeshiva year.

The yeshiva, whose leadership includes, Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Shimon Garbose and Menahel Chinuch Rabbi Elchonon Cohen, with Mashpi’im Rabbis Yakov Yosef Kuperman, Schneur Aizenman, Mendel Marinovsky and Mashgiach and Mashpia Rabbi Yossi Rabinowitz.

Menahel Rabbi Chaim Moss reflects on the last year and half, "As I look back on the previous year where we started with 23 bochurim, it is simply incomparable to this year where we have overall a group of 51 Bochurim. The Avir is on another level, pulsating with Chayus and upbeat, both within Zal but also in terms of standards in the dormitory.""It's also a proof of concept for us, because we have seen success with the educational approach we have taken.

Our whole idea is to get each individual Bochur to make a decisive choice and invest themselves in their time in a pnimiyusdiker way for themselves, and not because of Hanholo or other external consequences. So it's the longer shorter way, on the one hand we have had many challenges throughout the process, but ultimately we can see this is the path to succeed.

"Preparations have begun in earnest to welcome a new incoming class for the upcoming year, where they will experience the top level of learning along with the unique experience only Eretz Yisroel offers. “With this in mind, our staff comprises experienced Rabbonim and educators who understand and care for the future of today’s young adults, and know how to give the individual attention needed for each Talmid to succeed,” said Menahel Rabbi Chaim Moss.

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